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Most showreel content is property of CSI-Piemonte or its customers (Piedmont Region, Municipality of Turin and others)
and it is already published on their respective YouTube channel and/or websites.

Massimo Rossi

Audio and video editor
Digital content producer for DVD/web/TV
Compositor, motion graphics and visual effects artist, 3D generalist
Expert in audio/video formats and protocols, streaming, webinar, webconference, software developing and integration

Visit my YouTube Channel or take a look at other productions I was involved in:

A Tribute to Torino, Italy, my hometown

"B3 Regions for Better BroadBand Connection" European Project promotional video

SIRA Piedmont Region Environmental Developing Project

"Arte Grand Tour" Guided tours at museums, palaces and historical places.

Contacts: +39 344 0479305